Spring is Sprung, The Grass is Riz...

Call the neighbours, wake up the kids, tell Granma to put her bifocals on.
And we're only a few weeks late, not a few months, so we're definitely doing a little better. Not better enough to actually, regularly blog -- I see my last blog here was about the last issue, but trust me, I'm feeling good about now.
We've got some new stories for you, and a big hunk of a think-piece I'm still trying to get my head around, but it's good to be back.
Of course, none of this would be possible without my partner-in-crime, fiction editor, Gerald So, and the contributors for this issue, all of whom once again waited -- and waited and waited -- for me to get my act together.
As always, Gerald has acted as gatekeeper, only letting in the worthy. This go-round we kick off with "Love is for Suckers" by Robert Petyo, about a private eye who isn't sure anymore who's watching who and who's zoomin' who. Next up is "Terra Bella" by Robert Stevens, a decidely bucolic tale that shows there's more than cowshit that smells bad in the sticks. Our old pal Jim Winter returns with "Love Don't Mean a Thing," a nasty little tale of love, hate and revenge, featuring his long-time series gumshoe Nick Kepler.
Also in this issue we have "East of A," a classic Payton Sherwood reprint by Russell Atwood that originally appeared in the June 1996 issue of EQMM. And we wrap up things with an excerpt from The Big Wake-Up, the upcoming novel by Mark Coggins, featuring his San Francisco eye August Riordan.
But that's not all -- we've also got a great non-fiction piece making its Thrilling Detective debut. "A Man Must Do What He Must: Hammett's Pragmatism" is an unapologetic think-piece by Josef Hoffmann that makes no bones about its thesis: Hammett wasn't a Communist; he was a pragmatist.
And, uh, there'sa whole shit load of other stuff coming, including about three or four months of bits and pieces that have accumulated in my in box. Be patient -- I'll get to it.
And of course we're always looking for contributions. Reviews, editorials, trivua, comments, blah blah blah. Don't worry, I don't bite.
Well, hardly...